Monday, September 24, 2012

Shelf Arrangement

When I was babysitting, I noticed some shelving in their kitchen that did not have anything particularly useful on it, and it was more for show or decoration.

I imagined it was something to accentuate the theme of the kitchen.

The various vases, cups, plates, and basket have a very homey and warm feel to it mainly using whites, creams, and reds.  The shelf was in the kitchen but the objects are generic enough that they could be placed almost anywhere in a house and would not be out of place.

There is some type on a slab that says, "Live, Laugh, Love," which is a common, modern saying in America and promotes living a happy life.  Th positioning of the of objects are well balanced which is what attracted me to the set up of it.  Or rather, what attracted me to it was that fact that the balance of the objects on the shelf strongly relates to arranging objects to create balance on a webpage or a poster that a graphic designer would do.

Therefore, I discovered that an interior decorator and a graphic designer have similar problems to solve when it comes to visual appeal, whatever they are working with. Seems that design can be found in more places than I thought.

some words I would use to describe the decoration set up on the shelves would be warm, calm, classic, traditional, conservative, and orderly.

Monday, September 17, 2012

This is the cover art for the anime movie, "Howl's Moving Castle," by Hayao Miyazaki.
The function is to attract the viewer to watch the movie and buy it in stores.
I saw the movie when I was visiting my friends house but I had seen the movie before.
The portion of the cover I focused on does not have any type, but two faces that are large and very expressive.
Miyazaki's film's, including story and art, are award winning and I find his drawing style to be minimal but charmingly effective.
I love facial expressions and the faces are very large in scale so I was quickly able to notice the fear you can see in the girl's eyes and mouth and the certainty you see in the man's

Monday, September 10, 2012

American Museum of Immigration

This is a poster advertising the American Museum of Immigration. 

Its function is to attract the public to come the museum.

I found it in a book called "Posters, American Style."

The typography is stylistically slanted to create interest.  The same white color and even spacing and positioning of each word or word group gives it unity, as does the simple, rich blue background.  The less vibrant sixteen models of the statue of liberty complement the blue nicely and are expertly coordinated based on their position and especially color.   While at the same time, it seems as thought they have been grouped haphazardly.

I think the quality of the work is crisp and yet interesting, the words I would describe it with from the vocabulary wheel would be calm, orderly, and fresh.

What attracted me to the piece is the similar colors of the statues being grouped together.  The painting class that I took has made me more sensitive to colors and how they relate to each other.  

Monday, September 3, 2012

Album Art Fat Boys

This is a album art cover released in 1985 for the group call "Fat Boys."  The purpose of this visual composition is to catch the viewer's attention purchase the CD.

After looking through a couple of books filled with graphic design examples, I found this particular album cover art in a book called "The Book of Hip Hop" by Andrew Emry.

The style has simple composition and uses subject matter more than anything else to create interest.  Having playfully positioned the artists with their backs turned away from the camera to play on the album title "The Fat Boys are Back."

The typography is cleverly done, combining the title of the album and the name of the group.  The title is separated by the font and color, using bold, blue color and looks like the meaning of the words.  I had tried to find out what that is called. It might be called onomableva.  

The artwork is subtlety dated with the clothing style and the font, but overall it is relatively a classic look. It is composed on a plain white background and uses a black and white color scheme mixed with two complementary colors.  This is a simple, yet bold look and is very eye catching, hence why it is a classic.

What initially drew me to the cover was the humor and playfulness of the group having their backs turned to accentuate the name of their album as well as their large size. 
Words that I would choose from the vocabulary wheel for this example of graphic design are playful, bold, fresh, casual, and fun.